11 Easy Drawing Ideas for Kids | Blog | Domestika (2024)

Drawing is a skill that allows children to express their creativity and imagination. It provides them with a sense of accomplishment and allows them to bring their ideas to life. If you're looking for easy drawing ideas to engage and entertain your little ones, we've compiled a list of 11 fantastic options that are perfect for kids of all ages.

Whether your child loves animals, mythical creatures, or even food, there's something here to spark their artistic flair.

1.- Bird

These animals, with their varied shapes, sizes, and features like beaks, wings, and feathers, offer a great subject for practice.

Kids can start with a simple outline and gradually add details, focusing on proportions like the body shape, small head, and long tail. Different types of birds have distinctive beaks, like the long, thin beak of a hummingbird or the curved beak of a parrot, which adds realism to the drawing.

Feathers are crucial for depicting unique patterns and colors; kids should pay attention to their arrangement and detail to create depth. Wings, used for flying, display, and communication, present another aspect to explore, with various shapes and positions adding movement to the artwork.

As children advance, they can experiment with colors, either inventing their own bird species or replicating the colors and patterns of existing ones. This activity not only fosters creativity but also develops observation skills and hand-eye coordination, making it both fun and beneficial for young artists.

2.- Dragon

Drawing a dragon is a creative and imaginative activity for children, allowing them to explore mythical qualities and create unique creatures. They can start by sketching the dragon's basic shape and then add details like scales and horns, using vibrant colors to enhance the artwork. There are many dragon types to inspire them, from the classic European dragon to the Chinese dragon symbolizing power.

Kids can experiment with different body shapes, poses, and features, like the dragon's head, to give their creation a unique personality. Adding intricate details like scales and using various shading techniques can make the dragon more lifelike. The process is meant to be a way for children to express themselves, embracing imperfections and exploring their imagination's limitless possibilities.

3.- Cat

The third drawing idea on our list is a cute and cuddly cat. Cats are popular pets, and their distinctive features make them an ideal subject for kids to draw. Encourage your child to observe a real cat or look at pictures for reference. They can start by drawing the cat's face, focusing on the eyes, nose, and mouth. Then, they can move on to the body, tail, and paws. Experimenting with different fur patterns and colors will make their cat drawing truly unique.

4.- Dog

Similar to cats, dogs are beloved companions for many children. Drawing a dog allows kids to capture the essence of their favorite furry friends. Begin by helping your child understand the basic shapes that make up a dog's body, such as circles, ovals, and triangles. They can then add specific details like ears, snout, and tail. By choosing different dog breeds or mixing them up, your child can create an adorable doggy masterpiece.

5.- Elephant

Elephants are fascinating creatures known for their intelligence and gentle nature. Drawing an elephant can be an exciting challenge for kids as they explore the various shapes and sizes of their bodies. Start by drawing an outline of the elephant's body and then add details like the trunk, ears, tusks, and wrinkled skin. Encourage your child to experiment with shading and textures to bring their elephant to life on paper.

6.- Lion

The undisputed king of the animal kingdom, is another fantastic drawing idea for kids. Lions have a majestic aura that captivates children's attention. To draw a lion, your child can begin by sketching a basic outline of its body and then add features like the mane, eyes, nose, and mouth. The lion's powerful presence can be enhanced by using bold and vibrant colors.

7.- Unicorn

Unicorns, with their mystical and enchanting qualities, have long fascinated children. Drawing a unicorn gives kids the opportunity to explore their imagination and creativity. They can start by drawing the unicorn's head, focusing on the horn and facial features. Then, they can add the body, mane, tail, and hooves. Encourage your child to embellish their unicorn with shimmering colors and magical elements.

8.- Frog

Frogs are fascinating creatures that children often encounter in nature. Allow kids to observe and appreciate the unique anatomy of these amphibians. Start by sketching the frog's body and then add details such as the eyes, legs, and webbed feet. Your child can experiment with different shades of green and textures to create a cartoony representation of a frog.

9.- Dinosaur

Dinosaurs ignite curiosity and excitement in children's minds. Drawing a dinosaur allows kids to imagine and recreate these magnificent prehistoric creatures. Begin by helping your child choose the type of dinosaur they want to draw, such as a T-rex or a triceratops. They can start with the basic shape and then add details like the head, limbs, and tail. Using a mix of vibrant and earthy colors will make their dinosaur come to life.

10.- Food

Drawing food can be a deliciously fun and creative activity for kids. They can begin by sketching the overall shape of the food item and then add the specific details like texture, colors, and any additional embellishments. Remember, the goal is not just to draw the food realistically, but also to make it visually appetizing!

11.- Fruit Drawings

Lastly, encourage your child to explore their artistic skills by drawing various fruits. Start with simple fruits like apples and bananas, and gradually progress to more complex ones like strawberries or pineapples. Encourage your child to experiment with shading, light, and composition to create vibrant and realistic fruit drawings.

These 11 easy drawing ideas for kids offer a diverse range of subjects that will keep your child engaged and excited about their artistic journey. Remember, the key is to encourage and support your child's creativity, providing them with the tools they need to explore their imagination. So, gather the art supplies, sit down with your little one, and let their imagination flourish!

If you want to be the one who creates children's illustrations, don't miss these links:

- Children’s Illustration with Procreate Course
- Courses on how to write a children's book
- What is children's book illustration? An Article by Alessandra Cesarato

11 Easy Drawing Ideas for Kids | Blog | Domestika (2024)
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