Hello, I will be thankful to who could correct my translation about mysticism in all academic written form factors, please. The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring A mystic said which the goal is the self-knowledge that it will be ach (2024)

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A mystic once said that the goal ( of what?) is the self-knowledge that will be achieved in grades (do you mean school or the grade you get in class?Maybe you mean "life"?) gradually. It means first going out from the physical and sensory world towards the imaginary realm (intermediate suppressive world). Then from the imaginary realm it will be possible to achieve a (spiritual) world of reality made visible by regular contemplation. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplation of this level reveals the reality of the soul and the thoughts of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that to reach the goal of attaining the station of monotheism, (it is not out of himself - I don't understand ) he needs regular contemplation and reminding(repetition?) until it becomes routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. He will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating, through this, his manner of thinking will be changed completely. He will understand that except for God, others are nothing and do not have authenticity in the absolute being ( I'm not sure what you mean here). This contemplation will become routine by practicing. Finally, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim. Okay, is 1:37am but I'll give my best try: Okay, I just corrected some phrases. @Amin101 You're welcome! I'm also into mysticism too but I get more into Hermetic Philosophy. I actually have no idea about the religious beliefs in Persia :O


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9 Aug 2018

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Hello, I will be thankful to who could correct my translation about mysticism in all academic written form factors, please. The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring A mystic said which the goal is the self-knowledge that it will be achieved in grades gradually. It means by going out from the physical and sense world towards the imaginal realm (intermediate suppressive world) and then going from this towards the(spiritual) world of reality and visible by regular contemplation it will be possible to achieve. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplating in this level is in the reality of the soul and the whole thinking of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that the regarded goal; attaining the station of monotheism, it is not out of himself and it needs the regular contemplation and reminding until it will be routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. And he will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating and in this order his manner of thinking will be changed completely to understand except God others are nothing and inexistence that they do not have authenticity in the absolute being. This contemplation will be routine by practicing. So then, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from the theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim. (2)

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9 Aug 2018

  • English (US)

A mystic once said that the goal ( of what?) is the self-knowledge that will be achieved in grades (do you mean school or the grade you get in class?Maybe you mean "life"?) gradually. It means first going out from the physical and sensory world towards the imaginary realm (intermediate suppressive world). Then from the imaginary realm it will be possible to achieve a (spiritual) world of reality made visible by regular contemplation. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplation of this level reveals the reality of the soul and the thoughts of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that to reach the goal of attaining the station of monotheism, (it is not out of himself - I don't understand ) he needs regular contemplation and reminding(repetition?) until it becomes routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. He will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating, through this, his manner of thinking will be changed completely. He will understand that except for God, others are nothing and do not have authenticity in the absolute being ( I'm not sure what you mean here). This contemplation will become routine by practicing. Finally, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim.It was rather difficult to understand some sentences. I don't know if it is because it is dealing with philosophy or simply strange sentence structure. Good effort ! I tried to help but because I can't follow many of the sentences I don't know if it will be of much use. I hope I understood what you were trying to get across.

A mystic once said that the goal ( of what?) is the self-knowledge that will be achieved in grades (do you mean school or the grade you get in class?Maybe you mean "life"?) gradually. It means first going out from the physical and sensory world towards the imaginary realm (intermediate suppressive world). Then from the imaginary realm it will be possible to achieve a (spiritual) world of reality made visible by regular contemplation. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplation of this level reveals the reality of the soul and the thoughts of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that to reach the goal of attaining the station of monotheism, (it is not out of himself - I don't understand ) he needs regular contemplation and reminding(repetition?) until it becomes routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. He will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating, through this, his manner of thinking will be changed completely. He will understand that except for God, others are nothing and do not have authenticity in the absolute being ( I'm not sure what you mean here). This contemplation will become routine by practicing. Finally, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim.

It was rather difficult to understand some sentences. I don't know if it is because it is dealing with philosophy or simply strange sentence structure. Good effort ! I tried to help but because I can't follow many of the sentences I don't know if it will be of much use. I hope I understood what you were trying to get across.

Hello, I will be thankful to who could correct my translation about mysticism in all academic written form factors, please. The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring A mystic said which the goal is the self-knowledge that it will be achieved in grades gradually. It means by going out from the physical and sense world towards the imaginal realm (intermediate suppressive world) and then going from this towards the(spiritual) world of reality and visible by regular contemplation it will be possible to achieve. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplating in this level is in the reality of the soul and the whole thinking of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that the regarded goal; attaining the station of monotheism, it is not out of himself and it needs the regular contemplation and reminding until it will be routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. And he will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating and in this order his manner of thinking will be changed completely to understand except God others are nothing and inexistence that they do not have authenticity in the absolute being. This contemplation will be routine by practicing. So then, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from the theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim. (4)

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9 Aug 2018

  • Spanish (Mexico)

Okay, is 1:37am but I'll give my best try:The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaringA mystic said that the goal is the self-knowledge which is going to gradually be achieved in grades. It means that, by going out from the physical and sense world towards the imaginal realm (intermediate suppressive world) and then going from this towards the(spiritual) visible world of reality by regular contemplation it will be possible to achieve. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplating in this level is in the reality of the soul and the whole thinking of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know about the regarded goal; attaining the station of monotheism, it is not out of his hands and it must get the regular contemplation and reminding until it turns into a routine. It is, in this state, when he will get to understand that he has been living in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. Then he will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating so, in this order, his way to think will be changed completely to understand that, excepting God, those other ones means nothing and are inexistence so they don't have authenticity in the absolute being. This contemplation will be routine by practicing. So then, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from the theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level so finally, in this state, he will acclaim.

Okay, is 1:37am but I'll give my best try:

The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring

A mystic said that the goal is the self-knowledge which is going to gradually be achieved in grades. It means that, by going out from the physical and sense world towards the imaginal realm (intermediate suppressive world) and then going from this towards the(spiritual) visible world of reality by regular contemplation it will be possible to achieve. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplating in this level is in the reality of the soul and the whole thinking of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know about the regarded goal; attaining the station of monotheism, it is not out of his hands and it must get the regular contemplation and reminding until it turns into a routine. It is, in this state, when he will get to understand that he has been living in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. Then he will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating so, in this order, his way to think will be changed completely to understand that, excepting God, those other ones means nothing and are inexistence so they don't have authenticity in the absolute being. This contemplation will be routine by practicing. So then, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from the theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level so finally, in this state, he will acclaim.

Hello, I will be thankful to who could correct my translation about mysticism in all academic written form factors, please. The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring A mystic said which the goal is the self-knowledge that it will be achieved in grades gradually. It means by going out from the physical and sense world towards the imaginal realm (intermediate suppressive world) and then going from this towards the(spiritual) world of reality and visible by regular contemplation it will be possible to achieve. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplating in this level is in the reality of the soul and the whole thinking of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that the regarded goal; attaining the station of monotheism, it is not out of himself and it needs the regular contemplation and reminding until it will be routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. And he will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating and in this order his manner of thinking will be changed completely to understand except God others are nothing and inexistence that they do not have authenticity in the absolute being. This contemplation will be routine by practicing. So then, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from the theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim. (11)

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9 Aug 2018

  • Spanish (Mexico)

Okay, I just corrected some phrases.

In fact, it is understandable but I found a little hard in some parts to catch what you actually meant so I tried to give it sense according to my own knowledge both in mysticism and English language even if I have a different perspective than you.

Anyway, I hope my feedback was useful (:

Hello, I will be thankful to who could correct my translation about mysticism in all academic written form factors, please. The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring A mystic said which the goal is the self-knowledge that it will be achieved in grades gradually. It means by going out from the physical and sense world towards the imaginal realm (intermediate suppressive world) and then going from this towards the(spiritual) world of reality and visible by regular contemplation it will be possible to achieve. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplating in this level is in the reality of the soul and the whole thinking of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that the regarded goal; attaining the station of monotheism, it is not out of himself and it needs the regular contemplation and reminding until it will be routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. And he will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating and in this order his manner of thinking will be changed completely to understand except God others are nothing and inexistence that they do not have authenticity in the absolute being. This contemplation will be routine by practicing. So then, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from the theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim. (18)

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9 Aug 2018

  • Persian


Thank you. the goal of spiritual wayfaring.

grades in the journey that a mystical traveler will experience step by step. it is not out of himself because we will receive the spiritual things, levels etc in our soul.

reminding what are needed to notice them constantly in his journey. This reminding has to be regularly. regularly be awake and notice does not do bad things or do good things and his duties etc.

This text is about mysticism.

I want you please edit my translation without adding my long explanation. I mean I want it to be close to the original text in Persian without adding extra information as much as possible.

Thank you


  • Persian


Thank you for your correction.


9 Aug 2018

  • Spanish (Mexico)

@Amin101 You're welcome! I'm also into mysticism too but I get more into Hermetic Philosophy. I actually have no idea about the religious beliefs in Persia :O


Hello, I will be thankful to who could correct my translation about mysticism in all academic written form factors, please. The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring A mystic said which the goal is the self-knowledge that it will be achieved in grades gradually. It means by going out from the physical and sense world towards the imaginal realm (intermediate suppressive world) and then going from this towards the(spiritual) world of reality and visible by regular contemplation it will be possible to achieve. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplating in this level is in the reality of the soul and the whole thinking of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that the regarded goal; attaining the station of monotheism, it is not out of himself and it needs the regular contemplation and reminding until it will be routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. And he will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating and in this order his manner of thinking will be changed completely to understand except God others are nothing and inexistence that they do not have authenticity in the absolute being. This contemplation will be routine by practicing. So then, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from the theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim. (27)

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9 Aug 2018

  • Persian


God bless you. Most of Iranians are Shia Muslim. about Shia:


and the book about it:


But, about Shia mysticism we have had many famous and great Islamic mystics and philosephers in the world of Shia Islam and many outstanding muslim scholars in different subjects in the history that discovered many important scientic matters both in Iran and out of the country such as: Avecina, Mulla Sadra, Sohrevardi, Zakaria Razi, Abu Reyhan Biruni, Khawrazmi, Mowlana, Hafiz, Ibne Arabi, Jaber Ibn Hayyan, Ibne Heytham, Ibn Farid Mesri and many others.



9 Aug 2018

  • Persian


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Hello, I will be thankful to who could correct my translation about mysticism in all academic written form factors, please. The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring A mystic said which the goal is the self-knowledge that it will be achieved in grades gradually. It means by going out from the physical and sense world towards the imaginal realm (intermediate suppressive world) and then going from this towards the(spiritual) world of reality and visible by regular contemplation it will be possible to achieve. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplating in this level is in the reality of the soul and the whole thinking of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that the regarded goal; attaining the station of monotheism, it is not out of himself and it needs the regular contemplation and reminding until it will be routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. And he will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating and in this order his manner of thinking will be changed completely to understand except God others are nothing and inexistence that they do not have authenticity in the absolute being. This contemplation will be routine by practicing. So then, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from the theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim. (36)

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Hello, I will be thankful to who could correct my translation about mysticism in all academic written form factors, please. The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring A mystic said which the goal is the self-knowledge that it will be achieved in grades gradually. It means by going out from the physical and sense world towards the imaginal realm (intermediate suppressive world) and then going from this towards the(spiritual) world of reality and visible by regular contemplation it will be possible to achieve. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplating in this level is in the reality of the soul and the whole thinking of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that the regarded goal; attaining the station of monotheism, it is not out of himself and it needs the regular contemplation and reminding until it will be routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. And he will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating and in this order his manner of thinking will be changed completely to understand except God others are nothing and inexistence that they do not have authenticity in the absolute being. This contemplation will be routine by practicing. So then, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from the theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim. (37)What’s this symbol?

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Hello, I will be thankful to who could correct my translation about mysticism in all academic written form factors, please. The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring A mystic said which the goal is the self-knowledge that it will be achieved in grades gradually. It means by going out from the physical and sense world towards the imaginal realm (intermediate suppressive world) and then going from this towards the(spiritual) world of reality and visible by regular contemplation it will be possible to achieve. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplating in this level is in the reality of the soul and the whole thinking of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that the regarded goal; attaining the station of monotheism, it is not out of himself and it needs the regular contemplation and reminding until it will be routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. And he will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating and in this order his manner of thinking will be changed completely to understand except God others are nothing and inexistence that they do not have authenticity in the absolute being. This contemplation will be routine by practicing. So then, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from the theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim. (38)

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Hello, I will be thankful to who could correct my translation about mysticism in all academic written form factors, please. The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring A mystic said which the goal is the self-knowledge that it will be achieved in grades gradually. It means by going out from the physical and sense world towards the imaginal realm (intermediate suppressive world) and then going from this towards the(spiritual) world of reality and visible by regular contemplation it will be possible to achieve. A novice mystical traveler at the beginning will reflect on death and its consequences until he will be capable to move to the second realm which is the intermediary world. Contemplating in this level is in the reality of the soul and the whole thinking of a mystical traveler will be concentrated on his inward affairs. A mystical traveler must know that the regarded goal; attaining the station of monotheism, it is not out of himself and it needs the regular contemplation and reminding until it will be routine. It is in this state he will understand that he has lived in the realm of imagination and delusion till now. And he will remove imaginations and illusions by constantly contemplating and in this order his manner of thinking will be changed completely to understand except God others are nothing and inexistence that they do not have authenticity in the absolute being. This contemplation will be routine by practicing. So then, the reality of objects and his soul will be discovered for him and he will move from the theoretical knowledge to the real and (spiritual) visible practical level and in this state, he will acclaim. (39)

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Hello, I will be thankful to who could correct my translation about mysticism in all academic written form factors, please. The Forty-third Subject: The Ultimate of Spiritual wayfaring A mystic said which the goal is the self-knowledge that it will be ach (2024)
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