Homemade Orange Gummy Bears Recipe | fat free, sugar free, paleo (2024)

Jan 20, 2017

Dairy FreeFat FreeGluten FreeLow CarbPaleoSugar Free

These 5-ingredient Healthy Homemade Orange Gummy Bears are just like the storebought kinds — they’re soft, chewy, sweet and bursting with orange flavor! You’d never know they’re fat free, refined sugar free and all natural… YUP, that means no high-fructose corn syrup, artificial food flavorings, synthetic food dyes or preservatives whatsoever!

These Homemade Orange Gummy Bears are super chewy, sweet and addicting, you’d never know they’re made witha little secret ingredient.

Can you guess what it is? I’ll give you a few hints:

  • It’s orange
  • It’s crunchy
  • A lot of people like it(but I hate it)
  • Rabbits eat ’em

Secret Ingredient = Carrots!

Yes, these Homemade Orange Gummy Bears have carrotsin them. But you’d never know it, I swear. You gotta trust me on this one. I absolutely despisethe taste of raw carrots and I ate these Gummy Bears one after another, after another, after another. No carrot taste in the slightest.

Homemade Orange Gummy Bears Recipe | fat free, sugar free, paleo (1)

To be completelyhonest, I’m probably not the best Nutritional Sciences student out there. I eat healthy and everything, but I definitely don’t eat enough vegetables on a daily basis. I mean, how could I when I have over 40 homemade Protein Bars stashed away in my freezer right alongsidea big tubChocolate Frozen Yogurt? And that’s not all… Ialways have a fresh batch of sweets in the fridge. Last week I had Peanut Butter Fudge and this week I havea triple-sized batch of Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Dipwaiting for me. I swear, it’s calling my name right now.


Just kidding. Because I got someveggies in with theseHealthy Homemade Orange Gummy Bears 😉

When KitchenAid® sent me their Juicer AttachmentI was beyond excited, but a little nervous too — this is myfirst juicer and I’ve never juiced before in my life. My nerves flew out the window when I turned tomy little“healthy food community” onInstagram. I asked what I should make with the juicer first and got a bunch of great ideas for some daily juice recipes. I knew right then that thiswas an opportunity for me to incorporate more vegetables into my diet. Rather than eating vegetables just at dinner and sometimes during lunch and snacks, I could now eat veggiesfor breakfast, snacksanddessert in the form of juices! I literally ran over (okay, Idroveover) to Costco and got about 8,052 pounds (okay, morelike ~25 pounds) of fresh, organic fruits and veggies to start juicing. I got organic spinach, kale, carrots, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and apples. Then I went to Whole Foods for someorganic oranges and lemons.

As I was hauling all that fruit and veg up the stairs to my apartment, I planned on what desserts I should make with them. Juices? Smoothies? Applesauce? Nah.

I was craving oranges and then my Strawberry Gummy Bears popped into my head. Yup, gummy bears it is. I edited the recipe to use oranges instead of strawberries, and to add vibrantorange color (without using anyfood coloring) I added some carrots too.

About six or seven years ago, my dad had a health scare and decided to start livinga healthylifestyle (this iswhat made meso interested in nutrition!). He bought a (stand-alone) juicerbut ended up absolutely hatingit. My mom tried it out and pretty much wanted to chuckthe thing out the window. It was clunky, it was heavy, it took up way too much counter space, it was loud and impossible toclean. Because of their bad experiences, I had a fewnegative preconceived notions about juicers…

But that changed abouta week ago. I tried out theKitchenAid® Juicer Attachmentand was totally shocked… in a good way. It didn’t have any of the problems my parents had with their juicer. Since it attaches to the head of your stand mixer, it doesn’t take up any counter space. Plus, it’s dishwasher safe (haaaallelujah), it extracts a ton of juice and it’s super easy to use. Even for me, the most technologically inept person on earth…

Homemade Orange Gummy Bears Recipe | fat free, sugar free, paleo (2)

Grab some oranges and carrots and get on juicin’!

Homemade Orange Gummy Bears Recipe | fat free, sugar free, paleo (3)

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Healthy Homemade Orange Gummy Bears

Servings: 26 Bears

Prep Time: 30 minutes mins

Cook Time: 15 minutes mins

Total Time: 1 hour hr

These 5-ingredient Healthy Homemade Orange Gummy Bears are just like the storebought kinds -- they're soft, chewy, sweet and bursting with orange flavor! You'd never know they're fat free, refined sugar free and all natural!



  • Give the oranges a rinse, then slice off the orange peels with a sharp knife. It doesn't have to be perfect, just get the majority of the peel off. Slice the oranges in half.

  • Wash the carrots, chop the ends off and then chop into 4" chunks (no need to peel the carrots).

  • Attach the KitchenAid Juicer Attachmentto yourstand mixer fitted with the high pulp filter, then place a tall container underneath the juice opening and another container underneath what I call the "poop shoot."

  • Turn the stand mixer on high speed and start juicing! Juice the oranges until you get 1⅔ cups worth of juice, and juice the carrots until you get ⅔ cup worth of juice.

  • In a nonstick saucepan, stir together the orange juice, carrot juice, stevia extract and orange flavor with a rubber spatula. Stir in the gelatin, then let it sit for 5 minutes.

  • Place the pan over medium/medium-high heat. Stir occasionally until the mixture begins to bubble. When it starts to bubble, stir constantly and keep it on the heat for ~2 more minutes. Remove from the heat.

  • Place yourgummy bear moldson a cookie sheet and then fill the molds with the gummy bear mixture (I use a ¼ cup measuring cup). Let cool on the counter for about an hour, then place the pan in the fridge. Refrigerate until firm (I leave them overnight). Refrigerate to store. Keeps for ~3 days.

Course: Snacks

Cuisine: Candy

Keyword: Dairy Free, DIY, Fat Free, Gluten Free, Low Carb, Paleo, Sugar Free

Check out theseStrawberryGummy Bears,Green Apple Gummy Bears,Blueberry Fruit Snacks, andPeach Mango Fruit Snacks!

Enjoy 🙂


With love and good eats,




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Homemade Orange Gummy Bears Recipe | fat free, sugar free, paleo (4)

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posted in 5 Ingredients or Less, Bite-Sized Treats, DIY


Homemade Orange Gummy Bears Recipe | fat free, sugar free, paleo (2024)


What sugar substitute is in sugar free gummy bears? ›

A glance at the nutrition panel shows that the first (and thus most prevalent) ingredient in the sugar-free variety is lycasin, a hydrogenated syrup. Lycasin, meanwhile, consists mainly of maltitol, a sugar alcohol that is almost as sweet as table sugar but half as caloric.

What are the 3 main ingredients in gummy bears? ›

Gummy bear
Gummy bears produced by Haribo, the first company to manufacture gummy bears
TypeGummy candy
Place of originGermany
Created byHans Riegel Sr.
Main ingredientsGelatin, sugar, glucose syrup, starch, flavoring, food coloring, citric acid
1 more row

What are keto gummy bears made of? ›

Most keto gummies typically contain medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a type of saturated fat that help give your body energy, in addition to exogenous ketones.

What are the healthiest gummies? ›

Solely Organic Whole Fruit Gummies (aff link) – Made with just 3 ingredients: mango, orange extract and Vitamin C. They have no added sugar and contain 1 serving of fruit per bag. Chum Fruit Bites – No added sugar. Made with just fruit.

What replaces sugar in sugar-free candy? ›

Saccharin. Aspartame. Sucralose. Sugar alcohols such as erythritol, xylitol, maltitol, lactitol, and sorbitol.

What are the side effects of maltitol? ›

After eating maltitol, some people experience stomach pains and gas. It also can act similarly to a laxative and cause diarrhea. The severity of these side effects depends on how much of it you eat and how your body reacts to it. There aren't any other major health concerns with using maltitol or other sugar alcohols.

Can I make gummies without a mold? ›

You can use fun and fancy shaped little molds, but you don't have to! I have used the smaller shapes, but I also love using a regular ice cube silicone mold too. If you don't have trays like this, don't worry! You can use a glass dish with sides and cut out the gummies into squares.

Are gummy bears glucose or fructose? ›

Types of Sugars and Sweeteners in Gummy Manufacturing

Sucrose, sourced from sugar cane or sugar beets, is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose. It's known for its sweet taste and significant role in texture and gelling in gummy candies.

Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight? ›

As with many prior studies, this one was quite small and short-term. In all, the scientific evidence that vinegar consumption (whether of the apple cider variety or not) is a reliable, long-term means of losing excess weight is not compelling.

What are the side effects of keto bhb? ›

Some people might have stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation, and stomach pain. These side effects are more likely to happen when very high doses are used. There isn't enough reliable information to know if BHB is safe when more than one dose is used.

Why am I not losing weight on keto? ›

Usually, when a person does not lose weight on the keto diet, it is because they have not achieved ketosis. One reason for not achieving ketosis is not cutting back enough on carbs. According to a 2023 overview of previous research.

Are sugar-free gummy bears healthy? ›

It's important to be aware of these before indulging: Digestive issues: Sugar alcohols: Sugar substitutes like maltitol and erythritol present in these candies are classified as sugar alcohols. While generally safe for most people, consuming large amounts can cause digestive discomfort like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

What is the sugar replacement in gummies? ›

Allulose and xylitol were used due to their replication of the flavor of table sugar. These are the two best tasting sugar substitutes. Sorbitol was used due to its ability to prevent moisture from weeping. Isomalt was tested as it reacts the most like table sugar when heated.

What replaces sugar in sugar free gum? ›

Sorbitol, like mannitol and xylitol, are from a family of polyalcohol sugars. According to the Calorie Control Council2, sorbitol is about 60% as sweet as sucrose, with one-third fewer calories.

What was in sugar free gummy bears? ›

The very first ingredient in the Harbio sugar free gummy bears is Lycasin. It is a syrup that consists almost entirely of maltitol, which is a polyol, aka, sugar alcohol. There are many other polyols too, which you have surely seen on labels, like sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and so on.

What is maltitol syrup? ›

Maltitol syrup, a hydrogenated starch hydrolysate, is produced by hydrogenating corn syrup, a mixture of carbohydrates produced from the hydrolysis of starch. This product contains between 50% and 80% maltitol by weight. The remainder is mostly sorbitol, with a small quantity of other sugar-related substances.

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