Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe (2024)

By Chrystal Johnson / October 19, 2021 / 4 minutes of reading

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Learn how to make the best homemade Ranch Seasoning blend in this easy recipe. Use this pantry staple to make ranch dressing, season meats or veggies and more!

Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe (1)

Making your own homemade seasonings is easier than you might think. My Ranch Seasoning recipe uses the perfect combination of dried seasonings and spices to complement many dishes.

I like making my spice blends by the pint, so it’s easy to grab what I want at dinner time. Be sure to read the tips and tricks below this recipe to learn how to adjust it to make a Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning substitute.

Table Of Contents

  1. Ingredients
  2. Equipment
  3. By the Numbers: How to Make Ranch Seasoning
    • Step 1: Measure Out Ingredients.
    • Step 2: Combine Dry Ranch Ingredients.
    • Step 3: Transfer to Mason Jar.
    • 1. Can I make ranch dressing with dry seasoning?
    • 2. What else can I make with this blend?
    • 3. Is this like the Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning packets?
    • 4. How to store ranch seasoning?
    • 5. Best place to buy bulk spices?
    • 6. More homemade seasoning blends.
  4. Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe


  • ½cupof dried parsley
  • ¼cupof dried dill weed
  • ¼cupof onion powder
  • ¼cupof dried chives
  • 3tablespoonsof dried onion flakes
  • 3tablespoonsof garlic powder
  • 3tablespoonsof sea salt
  • 2teaspoonsof black pepper
  • 2teaspoonsof paprika


  • Small mixing bowl
  • Spoon
  • 16 ounce glass jar

By the Numbers: How to Make Ranch Seasoning

Step 1: Measure Out Ingredients.

You’ll want to start by measuring out all of your spices and seasonings. I like to do this first to make sure I have enough bulk spices on hand.

Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe (2)

Step 2: Combine Dry Ranch Ingredients.

Next, you’ll want to add all spices and seasonings to a mixing bowl and mix it really well until everything is nice and combined.

Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe (3)

Step 3: Transfer to Mason Jar.

The final step in making dry ranch seasoning is to transfer it to a glass jar for storage. Now it’s ready to be used!

Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe (4)

Dry Ranch Seasoning Tips & Tricks

1. Can I make ranch dressing with dry seasoning?

Absolutely. My buttermilk ranch dressing recipe uses fresh herbs, because fresh herbs taste amazing. However, I also give instructions on how to substitute this dry ranch seasoning mix in that post.

2. What else can I make with this blend?

For a tasty chip or veggie dip with ranch flavor, add about 2 tablespoons to 16 ounces of sour cream and allow the ranch dip to sit for 4-6 hours before using.

You can also use it on pretty much any meat. We like to use it on Chicken Breasts in the Instant Pot or when we bake it in the oven.

It’s nice added into soups and you can use it in place of fresh herbs in cheeseballs.

3. Is this like the Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning packets?

No, this recipe doesn’t include buttermilk powder (and is dairy free and vegan). For a copycat recipe of the ranch packets from the grocery store, add equal parts of this dry ranch seasoning and dry buttermilk powder together.

For recipes calling for one store bought ranch seasoning packet, combine about 1.5 tablespoons of this mix with 1.5 tablespoons of powdered buttermilk. You can process the ingredients together in a food processor for a smooth powdered ranch seasoning.

4. How to store ranch seasoning?

Be sure to always store your homemade seasoning blends in an airtight container (glass such as a mason jar is preferred) in a cool, dark, dry place like the pantry or spice cabinet. The shelf life will vary based on the expiration date of the individual bulk herbs you’re using.

5. Best place to buy bulk spices?

I buy all of my spices in bulk because I make all of our seasoning blends from scratch. Starwest Botanicals has great prices on bulk dried herbs spices, so that’s who I source most of my spices and seasonings from to make my own mixes like this dry ranch mix.

6. More homemade seasoning blends.

If you want to make some of my other homemade seasoning blends to stock your spice cabinet, these are popular choices:

  1. Italian Seasoning
  2. Taco Seasoning
  3. Cajun Seasoning

Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe (5)

Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe

Keep a pint of this ranch seasoning on hand and you'll have a great pantry staple for all sorts of recipes.

4.40 from 89 votes

Print Recipe

Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 0 minutes minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes minutes

Recipe Servings: 32


  • ½ cup dried parsley
  • ¼ cup dried dill weed
  • ¼ cup onion powder
  • ¼ cup dried chives
  • 3 tablespoons dried onion flakes
  • 3 tablespoons garlic powder
  • 3 tablespoons sea salt
  • 2 teaspoons black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons paprika


  • Small mixing bowl

  • Spoon

  • 16 ounce glass jar


  • Measure out all of your ranch seasoning ingredients.

    Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe (6)

  • Add all of the ingredients to a small mixing bowl, and stir with a spoon until all of the spices are well combined.

    Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe (7)

  • Transfer the Ranch Seasoning Blend to a pint-sized mason jar and seal with a lid. Shake the jar before each use because it does separate as it settles.

    Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe (8)

Nutrition Information Per Serving

Calories: 34kcal | Carbohydrates: 7g | Protein: 2g | Sodium: 678mg | Potassium: 261mg | Fiber: 2g | Vitamin A: 1505IU | Vitamin C: 18.6mg | Calcium: 100mg | Iron: 2.3mg

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Homemade Ranch Seasoning Recipe (2024)
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