Work-Life Balance: What It Is and 5 Ways to Improve Yours (2024)

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

Learn more about balancing your work life and personal life to create a healthier overall experience.

Work-Life Balance: What It Is and 5 Ways to Improve Yours (1)

What is work-life balance?

Work-life balance is typically defined as the amount of time you spend doing your job versus the amount of time you spend doing what's important to you outside of work, whether that is with loved ones or pursuing personal interests and hobbies [1].When work demands more of your time or attention, you'll have less time to handle your other responsibilities or passions.

Many people want to achieve a greater balance between their work life and their personal life. But in practice, it can be difficult to achieve. Sometimes a demanding job means more money to support a family. Sometimes a job contributes to deteriorating your mental health, which then leaves you drained in personal relationships.

Work-life integration—or the synergistic blending of our personal and professional responsibilities—has become an increasingly popular concept [2]. Work is simply one aspect of our lives that needs to be considered alongside other our home and family lives, our community, and our personal well-being. Rather than resembling a scale with two competing sides, work-life integration more resembles a Venn diagram of overlapping interests.

Work-Life Balance: What It Is and 5 Ways to Improve Yours (2)

Why is work-life balance important?

Improving your work-life balance can improve your overall well-being, including your physical, emotional, and mental health.Studies have found that working long hours can lead to such serious health issues as “impaired sleep, depression, heavy drinking, diabetes, impaired memory, and heart disease” [3]. Unfortunately, as these conditions arise they can also exacerbate our work-life issues, leading to burnout and other negative repercussions.

While employers and employees might associate long working hours with increased productivity, many researchers say otherwise. A 2014 study, for example, found that after workers hit a certain number of hours, their productivity began to decrease as the potential for mistakes and injuries increased [4]. Achieving a healthy work-life balance can reduce stress and increase overall productivity.

Read more: How to Recover from Burnout

What does work-life balance look like?

The unique nature of each of our lives and our fluctuating responsibilities means that work-life balance and work-life integration look different for everyone. It's a constant negotiation about how—and where—you spend your time. In striving for greater work-life balance, you get to determine your priorities, whether they're related to your work or personal life.

Some examples include:

Read more: How to Set Boundaries at Work

5 ways to improve your work-life balance

Below, we've compiled tips for improving your work-life balance [5]. You can begin trying out one at a time or implementing a few at once. Remember that finding an approach that works for you is a process and will take time.

1. Pause and evaluate.

Take the time to understand how the various parts of your life are impacting one another.Pause and consider your current work-life situation; ask yourself how you feel. Some questions you might reflect on include:

  • Am I spending enough quality time doing what I really want?

  • Am I committing enough time and energy to people or things that are meaningful to me?

  • Do I still feel aligned with my professional or personal goals? Why or why not?

  • Where do I feel the most stuck? What is it about this situation that makes me feel that way?

As you think through these complex personal questions, journaling your thoughts and feelings can be a good way to identify the areas you feel need the biggest adjustments. Ultimately, these questions should help you gain greater clarity on your current situation.

2. Assess your priorities.

Once you have a better sense of what you'd like to adjust, you'll want to begin identifying what you want to prioritize. Some questions you might ask yourself include:

  • What really matters to me and am I doing enough of it?

  • Where can I make compromises? Where have I been making too many compromises?

  • What can I do to ensure I am devoting enough time to my goals and relationships?

  • Where can I integrate my responsibilities so I honor more than one at the same time?

3. Manage your time.

Now that you know what your priorities are—whether that's spending more time at work to aim for a promotion or cutting back on after-hours emails by establishing boundaries—it's important to figure out how to better manage your time.

Review how you currently spend your time and look for ways to adjust your schedule where possible. You can "block" your time as a way to focus on one area at a time or use a matrix system to establish your priorities when new tasks pop up unexpectedly. Learn more about how to manage your time to boost your productivity and well-being.

4. Establish boundaries.

Establishing boundaries is a crucial part of time management. And, communicating those boundaries will be equally important. If you can no longer respond to emails promptly after hours because you're with your family, your team will need to know.

Work boundaries fall into one of three categories—physical, emotional, or time. Start by setting small boundaries and expand from there. Learn more about how to set better boundaries at work.

5. Reflect, refine, repeat.

Whatever actions you decide are needed to create a good work-life balance, though, you should be conscious of the fact that you will likely need to continue to refine it over time. Big life changes can take time, so reflecting on your approach and refining it periodically will likely be integral parts of the process.

Achieve work-life balance in your career

If you would like to learn more about what you can do to achieve a healthy work-life balance, you might consider taking a flexible online course to identify the best approach for you. In some cases, you might even decide that a career change is the best option and, consequently, prepare for your new job by achieving a Professional Certificate.

Work-Life Balance: What It Is and 5 Ways to Improve Yours (3)
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Coursera Staff

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This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

Work-Life Balance: What It Is and 5 Ways to Improve Yours (2024)


Work-Life Balance: What It Is and 5 Ways to Improve Yours? ›

What does work-life balance mean? Healthy work-life balance refers to maintaining a harmonious relationship between your work and personal life. It involves consciously managing your time and energy to meet both professional and personal commitments while prioritizing self-care and well-being.

What is the work-life balance? ›

What does work-life balance mean? Healthy work-life balance refers to maintaining a harmonious relationship between your work and personal life. It involves consciously managing your time and energy to meet both professional and personal commitments while prioritizing self-care and well-being.

How do you balance work & life? ›

Tips for a healthy work-life balance
  1. Know your values. Try to spend some time thinking about what is important to you in life. ...
  2. Practise time management. Do you ever wonder where the day went? ...
  3. Set boundaries. ...
  4. Enjoy your work. ...
  5. Review your finances. ...
  6. Nurture relationships. ...
  7. Focus on your health. ...
  8. Have down time.

What creates a good work-life balance? ›

Being able to meet priorities helps us feel a sense of accomplishment and control. The latest research shows that the more control we have over our work, the less stressed we get. So be realistic about workloads and deadlines. Make a “to do” list, and take care of important tasks first and eliminate unessential ones.

How to prioritize work-life balance? ›

To thrive in work and personal life, identify priorities, set realistic goals, create boundaries, and manage time effectively. Incorporate exercise, practice stress relief, seek support, nurture relationships, and pursue your passions.

What is quality work-life balance? ›

Quality of work life is both a goal and an ongoing process for achieving your goals. QWL is the commitment of any organization to improve the work environment: creating more involving, satisfying, and effective jobs and work environments for people at all levels of the organization.

What is the main objective of work-life balance? ›

Work-life balance is a key part of a healthy and productive work environment. An individual who achieves this balance successfully dedicates an equal amount of time to work-related tasks and personal matters without experiencing stress or becoming overwhelmed.

How to gain life balance? ›

Here are some suggestions on how to improve your work-life balance:
  1. Set your priorities. ...
  2. Concentrate on one thing at a time. ...
  3. Track your time. ...
  4. Respect your personal and private time. ...
  5. Take a look at your routines and general lifestyle. ...
  6. Set boundaries. ...
  7. Ask for support and learn to say “no”. ...
  8. Get plenty of exercise.

How do I bring balance to my life? ›

10 Tips to Achieve Life Balance
  1. Put “you” on your schedule first, then schedule life's chores afterward. ...
  2. Simplify your life. ...
  3. Learn to say no. ...
  4. Financial and emotional well-being are connected. ...
  5. Identify activities that give you energy. ...
  6. Surround yourself with high-quality relationships.
Mar 22, 2019

How would your employer help improve your work-life balance? ›

16 ways to help your employees balance work and life
  1. Recognize that each employee is different. ...
  2. Offer flexible work schedules and hybrid working. ...
  3. Focus on productivity rather than long hours of work. ...
  4. Insist on breaks. ...
  5. Allow free time for volunteering and giving back. ...
  6. Support parents. ...
  7. Offer useful benefits.

How do you manage work-life balance interview questions? ›

Commonly Asked Work-Life Balance Interview Questions
  1. How do you manage your work and personal life successfully? ...
  2. How do you usually prepare your team members before leaving for a vacation? ...
  3. Do you respond to work emails or messages at weekends? ...
  4. If necessary, are you willing to take work home?
Aug 28, 2023

How would you help improve employee work-life balance via benefits? ›

Benefits can range from a number of different things such as rewards, services, facilities, or activities available to employees. This could include discounted gym memberships, company social events, company gifts, or even food vouchers for office lunches.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.