Writing an article - Writing non-fiction - AQA - GCSE English Language Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize (2024)

Writing an article

Here are a few places where you might expect to find an article:

  • a magazine
  • a website
  • certain sections of a newspaper (NB an article is different to a news report)

An article is a piece of writing (usually around 800-2000 words) about a particular topic. Sometimes an article will offer a balanced view of a subject. At other times an article might be towards a person or political standpoint.

An article might also be flavoured by the writer’s style. Depending on the purpose of your article, you might use very direct informative language or more poetic language to create a sense of the subject matter.

Here are some typical subjects covered by article writers:


The basic structure of an article for a newspaper, magazine or website, is usually in three parts:

  • opening – engaging the reader, or outlining the main point of the article
  • middle – a series of paragraphs that go into more detail
  • end – a concluding paragraph that draws the points together

Within this structure you could also create a in which the conclusion connects back to the opening idea.

For example, an article about Kerala in India opens with the writer describing the view from a train. The middle section describes Alappuzha, the place the writer is travelling away from and goes into details about a boat trip they took there. In the concluding paragraph, the writer brings us back to the train and muses on the highlights of his trip.


The language of an article depends upon the purpose and audience. The language of the article will fit the content and the intended readers. For example, an article about a recent film release would include language that deals with actors, scripts and performance and is likely to include the writer’s opinions of the film.

Articles usually have a catchy, memorable headline. This helps to grab the reader’s attention and entice them to read the whole article.

Articles are usually written in , but sayings or phrases might be used to emphasise a point. Literary techniques such as and make your writing more interesting and engaging. Persuasive devices, such as rule of three, and can encourage the reader to agree with your point of view.


Here’s an extract from an article that tries to persuade the reader to eat a more balanced, healthy diet:

Eat Right: Live Longer

It has been scientifically proven that the less junk food a person consumes, the longer they are likely to live. So why isn’t everyone dumping the junk? Jordan McIntyre investigates.

Fast food equals fat

A staple part of twenty-first century British home-life is the weekly takeaway treat: finger-licking burgers, sticky ribs and crispy chicken wings are, for many, the normal Friday night feast. The average national calorie count in the UK is a whopping 4500 a day, a key factor in the obesity cases that are soaring. Fast food is packed with fat and obesity contributes to a range of health issues - most significantly heart disease and depression. So why aren’t we changing our lifestyles?

Short on time

Families these days are spending less and less time at home during the working week. School commitments, work meetings and extra curricular activities mean that time is short and fewer people are prepared to put in the effort to prepare fresh, healthy meals.

And when time is tight, it seems we are even more willing to compromise our waistlines for a little bit of what we fancy – fast fatty food.

Eat yourself healthy

However, Georgia Thomas of the University of Food says, ‘I am convinced that it is possible to live a busy lifestyle AND prepare healthy, satisfying meals. It seems that people have simply got out of the habit of cooking. We are busy people; how do we reward ourselves? You guessed it - food.’ Britain clearly needs to shift the stodge, and fast.

The headline grabs the reader's interest and introduces the article. The writer uses by using two imperative or command phrases 'Eat well' followed by 'live longer'. Alliteration is also used with the repetition of 'l'.

The rhetorical question in the opening paragraph encourages the reader to engage with the topic. The subheadings direct the reader through the text, and act as mini headlines. The writer uses colloquial sayings such as ‘a little bit of what we fancy’ and ‘shift the stodge’ to create a lively, conversational tone.

The final paragraph uses quotations from an to add credibility to the argument. You would expect the article to go on to explore how we can eat healthily and to conclude with an explanation of how easy it is to do this.

Writing an article - Writing non-fiction - AQA - GCSE English Language Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize (2024)


How to write a good article in GCSE English language? ›

The structure of an article for a newspaper, magazine or website, is usually in three parts:
  1. introduction – engaging the reader, or outlining the main point of the article to follow.
  2. middle – making clear and interesting points about the topic.
  3. end – a concluding paragraph that draws the points together.

How to get a 9 in English language paper 2? ›

Study grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure regularly. Use flashcards or mind maps to summarise important information and take mock exams or quizzes regularly. These methods should help you revise for GCSE English Language Papers 1 and 2.

What are the techniques used in non-fiction writing GCSE? ›

Techniques such as withholding information, vivid imagery and rhetorical devices. can all be used. These techniques help to create non-fiction which is enjoyable and exciting to read. Some travel writing, autobiographies, or essays that consider a particular viewpoint are key examples of literary non-fiction.

How do I start an article? ›

When writing an introduction, you will want an interesting hook that draws the reader in and a brief overview of your article. This is where you can set the tone for your article and deliver the thesis statement that the following paragraphs will support.

What is the layout of an article for GCSE? ›

Features of newspaper articles

An interesting or original title and makes the reader want to find out more. A strapline (which is a sentence that adds some detail or colour to the title). An introductory paragraph usually gives a brief summary of the whole article. Paragraphs that flow well into each other.

How long should a GCSE article be? ›

An article is a piece of writing (usually around 800-2000 words) about a particular topic. Sometimes an article will offer a balanced view of a subject. At other times an article might be biased.

Is it hard to get a 9 in GCSE English language? ›

Getting a grade 9 in GCSE English Language can seem daunting, and many students confirm that they find the GCSE English Language paper the more difficult of the two. A common mistake amongst students is that they treat GCSE English Language papers like GCSE English Literature papers.

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One of the most important skills in GCSE English is essay writing. To get a high grade, it is essential that you plan your essays carefully. This means brainstorming ideas, organizing your thoughts, and creating a clear structure.

What are the 4 types of nonfiction writing? ›

There are many different types of nonfiction, but they broadly fit into these categories: expository nonfiction, narrative nonfiction, persuasive nonfiction, and descriptive nonfiction.

What are the 5 types of nonfiction writing? ›

Teachers, librarians, children's book authors, and editors all loved the idea of classifying nonfiction into five categories—active nonfiction, browseable nonfiction, traditional nonfiction, expository literature, and narrative nonfiction.

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The information in non-fiction books is factual. This means it is true and is not made up. If you are reading a non-fiction book and get stuck on a word, you can go to the glossary. This tells you the word and what it means.

What is a good catchy introduction? ›

1) Use a quote, a catchy phrase, or a striking idea.

You can start your article with a striking phrase with an interesting idea, with a quotation or a controversial fact, to surprise your readers and arouse their curiosity or interest.

How not to start an article? ›

Don't try to 'wow' the reader with grandiose statements or pithy quotes that broadly relate to your topic. The trouble with such trite openings is that they do not focus your reader. Rhetorical questions are also a bad choice for a first sentence.

How to write an attractive article? ›

Solved Example on Steps of Article Writing
  1. Write very lengthy articles.
  2. Add the writer's name.
  3. The title should be lengthy and clear.
  4. The heading of the article should be short, clear and informative.
  5. Only the introduction and the conclusion should be attractive and attention seeking.
  6. Target the audience.

How to write a good article in English exam? ›

Solved Example on Steps of Article Writing
  1. Write very lengthy articles.
  2. Add the writer's name.
  3. The title should be lengthy and clear.
  4. The heading of the article should be short, clear and informative.
  5. Only the introduction and the conclusion should be attractive and attention seeking.
  6. Target the audience.

How to write a good article in English? ›

Review these guidelines for how to write an efficient article that's likely to be read by your target audience.
  1. Select a topic to write about.
  2. Identify your target audience.
  3. Research facts that reinforce your story.
  4. Come up with an outline of your article.
  5. Write a rough draft and pare down your outline.
Oct 24, 2022

How do you format a good article? ›

What Is the Format of an Article?
  1. Add a Title. Your title defines the article's topic and gives readers a preview of what they expect to read. ...
  2. Include Your Name. ...
  3. Write the Introduction. ...
  4. Insert Your Body. ...
  5. Write a Conclusion. ...
  6. Define Your Topics. ...
  7. Perform Research. ...
  8. Write a Draft Without Editing It.
May 4, 2023

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.