10 Health Benefits of Ginger - Spice World Inc (2024)

From its roots in Southeast Asia to its flavorful presence in your favorite dishes, ginger isn’t just a spice—it’s a medicinal marvel. Ginger is a plant whose spices that are common in food are found in its roots, but did you know they can also provide a healthy boost?

With the first record of ginger being used dating back to 400 BC, it has been used as a delicious ingredient and an alternative form of medicine throughout history. So, if you’re rooting for a healthier you, let’s explore the top ten health benefits of ginger and see how you can incorporate it into your diet.

How to Use Ginger for Digestion?

Ginger’s natural enzymes help relieve indigestion, nausea, and bloating, promoting overall digestive health. There are many ways to make use of ginger’s digestive properties, like adding fresh ginger to meals, brewing tea with ginger, or ingesting ginger-infused lozenges or candies, to name a few.

How Much Ginger Should I Eat Daily?

It is generally recommended to consume up to 3–4 grams of ginger per day to get the most benefit from its health benefits, such as reducing nausea and inflammation. However, individual tolerance and personal health goals and cases, like pregnancy or other health-related concerns, should be considered.

Can Ginger Help Nausea?

Yes, consuming ginger can be a great way to alleviate nausea. Ginger has natural enzymes with anti-nausea properties that can aid in calming an upset stomach and reducing motion sickness or morning sickness symptoms. You can make use of ginger’s nausea-relieving effects by simply incorporating it into your meals.

1. Better Digestion

10 Health Benefits of Ginger - Spice World Inc (1)

If you’re having problems with indigestion, ginger can help speed up the digestion process and empty your stomach more quickly. Someone with digestive issues, such as ulcers, constipation, and IBS, might find relief by adding it to their regular diet.

Recent studies have shown that those who consume ginger digest twice as fast as those who don’t. It increases movement in the digestive tract and promotes healthy enzymes that help break down the foods we eat. This makes it a great ingredient to help calm a stomach and alleviate feelings of discomfort and bloating. Remember, a touch of ginger can really go a long way.

2. Improves Immunity

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The magic of ginger comes from gingerol, the bioactive compound found in the raw root. Gingerol is able to boost immunity with its antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Ginger also contains a ton of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which can be a robust defense against common ailments.

The combination of these properties has many benefits. These ginger health benefits and side effects improve coughs, lower fevers, fight off infections, relieve headaches, and ease other symptoms associated with common colds and the flu. When you incorporate ginger into your diet, you’re helping to fortify your body’s defenses, ensuring it’s ready to tackle whatever comes in its way.

3. Alleviates PMS Symptoms

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Ginger has been found to be effective in alleviating other bothersome symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Menstrual pain is a common symptom during a woman’s cycle, but incorporating ginger might make it more manageable. The active compounds in ginger have been shown to contribute to reducing overall discomfort and bloating experienced by many women during their menstrual cycle.

Moreover, ginger’s natural soothing properties may also help in easing mood swings and irritability often associated with PMS. By promoting a sense of calm and relaxation, ginger can contribute to a more balanced emotional state during this hormonal phase. Just be sure to consult with your healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet.

4. Relieves Nausea and Upset Stomach

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One of the most well-known health side effects of ginger is its ability to relieve nausea. Whether it’s from motion sickness, migraines, morning sickness, or general stomach problems, ginger helps calm an upset stomach. Its bioactive compounds have anti-nausea effects that work by blocking signals in the brain and gut that trigger nausea and vomiting.

It does so through its anti-inflammatory properties, better digestive responsiveness, and hormones that regulate blood pressure to calm the body. Whether you ingest it through fresh ginger root or ginger tea, you will be able to take advantage of all of the relieving benefits.

5. May Help With Cancer

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Ginger has exhibited potential for complementing traditional cancer treatments by inhibiting the growth of certain cancer cells and reducing inflammation in the body. Studies on ginger have shown that some of the benefits of gingerol may prevent some cancers, such as ovarian, colon, and pancreatic cancer. While it is not a cure-all, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can help protect your body.

Ginger is also a safe option to reduce the symptoms of nausea and pain often associated with cancer treatment. When you’re undergoing chemotherapy, adding ginger to your diet helps combat the treatment’s side effects of nausea or dizziness. While ginger should not be considered a standalone treatment for cancer, incorporating it into a well-balanced diet may offer additional support in conjunction with conventional medical approaches.

6. Reduces Pain

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Ginger is a natural pain reliever that encompasses a range of conditions, such as muscle soreness and menstrual discomfort. Ginger makes for an excellent substitute for over-the-counter pain medications since gingerols act as an anti-inflammatory and work to eliminate compounds in the body that cause pain.

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger reduce the pain associated with arthritis and increase joint mobility. Arthritis sufferers are often prescribed anti-inflammatory medication to lessen their symptoms, but ginger works as a natural alternative. It also interacts with neurotransmitters and can even inhibit pain signals in the brain. This dual action makes ginger a versatile and holistic remedy for conventional pain management treatments.

7. Healthier Skin

10 Health Benefits of Ginger - Spice World Inc (7)

Ginger has some amazing beauty benefits! It’s able to improve the health of your skin with antioxidants, increased blood circulation, and antiseptic properties. Ginger’s essential vitamins and minerals contribute directly to skin hydration and nourishment. Ginger’s antioxidants can even protect the skin from UV rays and slow the breakdown of collagen, making the skin look younger and more supple.

Ginger can also brighten the complexion as it promotes natural radiance by enticing blood circulation, leading to a healthy glow. Antiseptic properties can improve acne symptoms, and with raw ginger, you can help with scarring caused by acne. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties also aid in healing irritated skin.

8. Weight Loss Aid

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Some studies have shown that consuming ginger helps aid in weight loss. The thermogenic properties of ginger allow it to increase the body’s temperature and contribute to calorie burning. Ginger also controls insulin levels and aids in workout recovery. When it comes to weight loss, ginger can give your metabolism a boost and create a feeling of fullness to prevent overeating.

It isn’t a fix-all, but when incorporated with other weight-loss efforts, it can supplement your results. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist before making significant changes to your diet is advisable, especially if you have any existing health conditions or concerns.

9. Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

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Ginger exhibits anti-inflammatory effects that contribute to its cardiovascular benefits. In addition to its other properties, ginger works as a blood thinner, which can be beneficial in preventing cardiovascular issues. Blood thinners reduce the risk of blood clots, which lowers your risk of heart attacks or strokes. Another way ginger prevents heart disease is by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

The build-up of cholesterol can clog arteries and increase the risk of heart problems. Additionally, ginger has been shown to positively impact lipid metabolism, promoting the breakdown of fats in the bloodstream. This, in turn, can contribute to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and preventing the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. Ginger also improves circulation and lowers blood sugar, which helps the heart stay at peak performance.

10. Improves Brain Function

10 Health Benefits of Ginger - Spice World Inc (10)

Studies have suggested that regular consumption of ginger may also play a role in neuroprotection, guarding against age-related decline in brain function. Chronic inflammation affects your brain over time and may cause it to decline. This may result in cognitive conditions, mental health struggles, or Alzheimer’s disease.

Ginger reduces inflammation and protects the brain from free radicals due to its powerful antioxidants. It also improves memory function by increasing the neurotransmitters in our brain responsible for memory, focus, and reaction time. Ginger even releases dopamine and serotonin to help fight mental illnesses like depression and anxiety.

How to Incorporate More Ginger in Your Diet

If you’re wondering what the most effective and delicious ways to include ginger are, you’re in luck because there are many ways to start incorporating it into your diet! Here are a few of our favorites, but find the method you enjoy and add it to your own daily routine.

1. Ginger Tea

One of the most common ways to consume ginger is in tea. To make ginger tea, you simply add pieces of chopped, sliced or minced ginger to water and steep it.

To add even more flavor, include things like honey or lemon. Some brands of premade tea bags offer ginger varieties, though they may not be as beneficial as raw ginger.

Here is one of our favorite Easy Ginger Tea with Lemon recipes.

2. Spice Up Your Foods

Add minced ginger to meals to reap the benefits and add extra flavor. Ginger works well in stir-fries, soups, and curries. You can even add ginger to desserts or smoothies.

Need some ideas? Check out some of our recipes for cooking with ginger.

3. Ginger Juice

A daily shot of ginger juice is one of the most convenient ways to consume ginger. You can make them at home using a juicer.

Some people even consume ginger raw for more immediate health benefits, if they don’t need to make a full meal or enjoy drinking it.

Improve Your Health With Ginger

As you can see, just adding ginger to your diet can be a simple (and delicious) way to improve your health. If you have a history of heart problems, poor digestion, weight issues, or simply want to stay healthy, ginger has you covered.

Not to mention that there are even more healthy advantages to using Spice World products when you incorporate the delicious health benefits of garlic and the health benefits of onions too!

Learn more about all of our ginger products and some easy and tasty recipes to try them with on our website, here.

List of Sources:

10 Health Benefits of Ginger - Spice World Inc (2024)


10 Health Benefits of Ginger - Spice World Inc? ›

Reduces Muscle Pain and Soreness

Research has shown that eating raw or cooked ginger in small quantities every day reduces muscle pain. The study showed that those who ate ginger everyday recovered faster from muscle soreness. Those who didn't eat ginger took a longer time to heal.

What are the 10 health benefits of ginger? ›

Health Benefits of Ginger
  • Fights Germs. 1/11. Certain chemical compounds in fresh ginger help your body ward off germs. ...
  • Keeps Your Mouth Healthy. 2/11. ...
  • Calms Nausea. 3/11. ...
  • Soothes Sore Muscles. 4/11. ...
  • Eases Arthritis Symptoms. 5/11. ...
  • Curbs Cancer Growth. 6/11. ...
  • Lowers Blood Sugar. 7/11. ...
  • Eases Period Pains. 8/11.
Dec 1, 2022

What happens when you eat ginger every day? ›

Reduces Muscle Pain and Soreness

Research has shown that eating raw or cooked ginger in small quantities every day reduces muscle pain. The study showed that those who ate ginger everyday recovered faster from muscle soreness. Those who didn't eat ginger took a longer time to heal.

Does ginger seasoning have health benefits? ›

Ginger may have numerous health benefits due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, and other properties. It may help you lose weight, manage arthritis, reduce menstrual symptoms, and more. Ginger comes from a flowering plant originating in Southeast Asia.

What diseases does ginger treat? ›

Ginger has been used for thousands of years for the treatment of numerous ailments, such as colds, nausea, arthritis, migraines, and hypertension. The medicinal, chemical, and pharmacological properties of ginger have been extensively reviewed (Surh, Lee, and Lee 1998; Ernst and Pittler 2000; Afzal et al.

What medications should not be taken with ginger? ›

Possible Interactions

Blood-thinning medications: Ginger may increase the risk of bleeding. Talk to your doctor before taking ginger if you take blood thinners, such as warfarin (Coumadin), clopidogrel (Plavix), or aspirin. Diabetes medications: Ginger may lower blood sugar.

What organ is ginger good for? ›

In addition, the research shows that ginger may help increase movement through the digestive tract, suggesting that it may relieve or prevent constipation. Ginger also appears to have beneficial effects on the enzyme pancreatic lipase, which aids digestion in the small intestine.

When not to take ginger? ›

Interactions. If you take any medications regularly, talk to your doctor before you start using ginger supplements. They could interact with blood thinners and medications for diabetes and high blood pressure.

What is the best time to eat ginger? ›

Eating fresh ginger is very good and brings many health benefits, especially when used in the morning. Ginger is a popular folk remedy for stomach upset and nausea, and aids digestion and salivation. Studies show that drinking ginger water can reduce nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.

What is the healthiest way to consume ginger? ›

For people who don't like to eat a lot of ginger, ginger water can be an easy way to get the health benefits of this spice. Especially if you have nausea, it may be more appealing to drink ginger than to eat it. Ginger water is simple to make.

Is it better to eat raw ginger or boiled ginger? ›

Eat it raw or cook it—both are healthy: Research suggests that heating raw ginger (i.e., in cooking or making tea) reduces its ability to scavenge certain types of free radicals and increases its ability to scavenge other types—likely due to the conversion of gingerols to shogaols.

How much powdered ginger should I take daily? ›

If your provider tells you it is ok to add ginger to your diet, you should not eat more than 4 grams (1 tablespoon) of raw ginger per day or 2 teaspoons of powdered ginger per day.

What does ginger spice do? ›

Its spicy siblings are tumeric and cardamon. Used for centuries across all of Asia, ginger eventually made its way to Europe via the Silk Road. In addition to spicing up your recipes, ginger is a good source of antioxidants, a safe way to manage nausea, and has been known to help with motion sickness.

What is spiced ginger good for? ›

Top 6 health benefits of ginger tea
  • May help to ease digestive discomfort. Ginger tea is probably most well-known for its potential to soothe digestive issues, and in particular for helping ease nausea. ...
  • Anti-inflammatory. ...
  • May help to reduce blood pressure. ...
  • May aid weight loss. ...
  • Ease headaches and migraines. ...
  • Antioxidant rich.
Mar 17, 2023

Does boiling ginger destroy nutrients? ›

Lemon and ginger are normally good sources of vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, vitamin B6, magnesium, and potassium. However, dehydrating and boiling the ingredients tend to remove these nutrients, leaving only small amounts in the final tea.

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