Oatcakes Recipe No Flour and No Palm Oil with Added Seeds (2024)

Oatcakes Recipe No Flour and No Palm Oil with Added Seeds (1)

Healthy oatcakes recipe using no flour or oil with added seeds. These oatcakes are made with a mixture of five different seeds that add taste, crunch and nutrition. Oatcakes are so easy to make that you will wonder why you ever used to buy them!

This oatcake recipe is high in plant protein and fibre. It’s the perfect crunchy base for a savoury or sweet dip.

Oatcakes Recipe No Flour and No Palm Oil with Added Seeds (2)

This gluten-free oatcakes recipe is suitable for wheat-free, vegan and oil-free diets. Ensure these oatcakes are gluten-free by using gluten free oats. I always make with gluten free oats and it works really well.

These oatcakes are made without any palm oil unlike most that are sold in the shops.

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I usually make a somewhat round shape of dough to get triangular oatcakes. But any shape works well – lots of byte sized squares make for a handy on-the-go snack to keep in your bag.

Any hulled seed works well in this oatcake recipe so just use whatever seed you have in your store cupboard. I always try to add a bit of chia or flax as this helps to make a firm mixture that doesn’t stick to your hands.

Keep your seeds in the freezer especially once open as the air and light causes them to go rancid in a few weeks. Seeds or nuts last for months in the freezer.

Most commercialoatcakes have added oil and this is often palm. I wanted to make oatcakes that are free of any added oil. They taste even better than the shop bought ones due to being freshly baked.

Palm oil plantations are responsible for much of the destruction of the rainforest so I try to avoid buying it. Also the palm oil in most shop bought products isn’t healthy either. If it’s not good for you or the planet it’s a bit of a no-brainer to avoid palm oil where possible.

Oatcakes Recipe No Flour and No Palm Oil with Added Seeds (5)

Its very difficult to buy oatcakes that are gluten-free, palm oil-free and wheat-free but easy to make your own. Freshly baked oatcakes taste much better than their shop bought counterparts.

These oatcake crackers are loaded with protein and fibre from the mixture of seeds and oats.

If you want to store these oatcakes for a few weeks I would recommend double baking. A 2nd bake after cutting will make sure they are dry enough to be stored. Because I like a simple life and food never lasts long in my house I bake just once.

You can add oil if you like to the oatcakes after adding the hot water. 1 tbsp of a heat stable high smoke point oil like rapeseed is enough to give a slightly crispier oatcake. I’ve made this recipe 3 times and found the oil doesn’t really make much difference to the end result so prefer to make these oil free.

Yield: 8 oatcakes

Homemade oatcakes recipe without any palm oil. Easy to make oatcakes from just oats and seeds.

These healthy crackers are filling and nutritious. Making your own freshly baked oatcakes tastes way better than shop-bought.

Prep Time10 minutes

40Cook Time40 minutes

Total Time50 minutes


  • 1½ cups / 150g Rolled oats
  • 2 tbsp Sunflower seeds
  • 2 tbsp Pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tbsp Sesame seeds
  • 2 tbsp Chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp Flax seeds
  • a pinch Salt
  • ¼ tsp Baking soda
  • 1 cup / 235ml Hot water
  • 2 tbsp Mixed seeds, to sprinkle on top


  1. Pre-heat oven to 375F / 190C
  2. Grind the oats using a small blender. They don’t have to be a fine powder, unless you want fine oatcakes. I like the rough type so 30 seconds is enough.
  3. Mix together all the dry ingredients in a bowl (leaving 2 tbsp of mixed seeds to top later) and add the hot water a tablespoon at a time until it forms a solid dough that doesn’t stick to your hands. Use boiled water that has been left to stand for a few minutes.
  4. Form a firm ball with your hands. Add more oats if you’ve added too much water.
  5. Leave the ball of dough to stand for 5 minutes to help it all stick together.
  6. Press the dough out on non-stick paper using your fingers to form one piece about 5-10mm in thickness.
  7. Sprinkle on a mix of 2 tbsp of all the seeds on top and press firmly into the dough.
  8. Using a blunt knife or spatula score out the oatcakes – If making triangles just score with 4 lines to make 8 oatcakes.
  9. Bake for about 30 mins untilthe oatcake starts to go golden.
  10. Remove from the oven and cut into separate oakcakes while still hot.
  11. Leave to cool for 10 mins and then break apart and enjoy within 5 days, although they are best fresh.
  12. Return to the oven for 5-10 mins until bone dry if you want to store the oatcakes for several weeks.
  13. Always store home made oatcakes in an airtight container

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Nutrition Information



Serving Size


Amount Per ServingCalories 124Total Fat 5gSaturated Fat 1gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 4gCholesterol 0mgSodium 180mgCarbohydrates 16gFiber 4gSugar 0gProtein 4g

Oatcakes Recipe No Flour and No Palm Oil with Added Seeds (10)

Oatcakes were documented during the Roman conquest of Britain in AD 43 and most likely existed long before then.

They were most common in Scotland for thousands of years as people elsewhere turned their noses up at oats and considered them animal feed.

However in recent years, oatcakes have grown massively in popularityas people seak more nutritious foods.

These are the oatcakes that are in the marmite cashew cheese recipe.

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Tags: gluten free oatcakes, oat cakes, oatcakes recipe no flour

Oatcakes Recipe No Flour and No Palm Oil with Added Seeds (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.