Well Nourished | Healthy Lamington Recipe (2024)

| Baked Sweets, Desserts

Well Nourished | Healthy Lamington Recipe (1)

What better way to celebrate being Australian than with healthy lamingtons? I’m really not a fan of traditional lamingtons – probably because I like a sweet with some substance. So when I set out to create a healthy lamington it really was rather simple because I already have two basic cake recipes that I just love the texture off.

So I’ve put this recipe together with several options. I’ve made a double-decker style lamington with a layer of chocolate in between (pictured). You could also layer with a good quality jam or just make a lamington slice if you like.

I’ve taste tested these with a couple of lamington lovers and been given a big thumbs up – my husband thinks these may be the best sweet recipe I’ve posted yet!

Healthy Lamington

Prep 30 minutes minutes

Cook 30 minutes minutes

Total 1 hour hour

Serves: 6 large lamingtons

Who said a Lamington can't be healthy? This Healthy Lamington recipe can be made a couple of ways, kind of like a choose your own adventure cake. Which ever option you choose, they are really good.



  • For the cake, you can choose either:
  • Easy Healthy Cake
  • - which is gluten, grain, dairy-free with fructose free option (suits Paleo)
  • Vanilla Bean Cup Cake
  • - which is gluten, nut and grain-free with dairy and fructose-free options (legume-based)

* I've tested both cakes and both were delicious, so choose whichever suits your dietary requirements / philosophy.

    Chocolate coating

    • You have two options here:

    Dairy-free chocolate (I find this coats better than the ganache):

    • Over a very low heat mix together well:
    • 2 tbsp cacao powder -unsweetened Dutch process or raw
    • 100 g coconut oil (½ cup)
    • 2-4 tbsp rice malt syrup, honey or maple syrup
    • 2 tbsp canned coconut milk
    • You don't want to let this sit for too long or the ingredients will separate. If this happens just give it a good stir before dunking your cake.

    Chocolate ganache:

    • Place a bowl over a pot of boiling water and mix together until melted:
    • 100 g dark chocolate (85% is my preference)
    • 50 g cream -or coconut milk


    • Bake your choice of cakeinto a lined tin (approx. 30-20cm) for 15-20 minutes.

    • Allow to cool on a cake rack and then trim the edges.

    • You can cut into small squares for little lamingtons. For big ones like pictured, I halved the cake, sat one on top of the other and cut into six squares.

    • Pop the cake in the fridge for 10 minutes or so to chill while you make the chocolate.

    • Once you've made the chocolate place it in a shallow bowl.

    • In another shallow bowl place about a cup of desiccated coconut and prepare to get messy! I always work next to my sink in case I need to rinse off.

    • Dip all four sides of the cake in the chocolate followed buy the coconut. If you are making them with chocolate middles, I dipped the two middle sides in the chocolate, placedthem together and then coated the rest.

    • Work quickly, you don't want to soak them, just lightly coat them.

    • Place on a piece of non-stick paper and refrigerate until you are ready to serve them.


    • Store in an airtight container in the fridge.


    Fructose friendly

    Make your own dipping chocolate and choose rice malt syrup as your sweetener.


    Make your own dipping chocolate.

    I'd love you to let me know what you think of my healthy take on this classic by posting a comment below.

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    1. Shelly says

      These are amazing – like all you recipes, on the mark, easy to make and so incredibly delicious. Huge fan of your work!


      • Georgia Harding says

        Thanks Shelly, so glad you liked and appreciate your feedback! G x


    2. Nat says

      Georgia I just wanted to say thank you for your amazing recipes that work every time and are always so delicious. I have your e book and love, love it. Best value cookbook I’ve ever bought. My family’s health and wellbeing is all the better for discovering your site – thanks so much.


      • Georgia Harding says

        Wow thanks so much, really appreciate it, you are very welcome G x


    3. Maxi says

      Georgia thanks for the Australia day recipes. Can’t wait to try them both out this weekend. I made the Healthy Cake with orange zest. It was lovely and fluffy like a sponge. So it should make a great lamington.


      • Georgia Harding says

        Glad you enjoyed it Maxi, yes it does make a cracking lamington. G x


    4. Sharon Young says

      Hi Georgia, I am going to try this recipe tomorrow, for a Lamington Bake Off on Sunday! If I follow the Vanilla Bean Cupcake recipe, what would the baking time be, for one large cake?


      • Georgia Harding says

        So sorry for the late reply Sharon, I’ve been away for the long weekend and this commenting system wouldn’t load so apologies. Hope you got to make it anyway? Baked in a small tin it is roughly the same time, maybe a few minutes extra (until firm and springy in the middle). G x


    5. Stella says

      I made these for our Australia Day dessert as a lamington cake. My teenager (who is anti healthy!) loved it as did everyone else. A huge hit – thank you so much 🙂


      • Georgia Harding says

        That’s great Stella – love a win over anti-healthy teens, G x


    6. Bianca Sands says

      Wonderful recipe thank you 🙂 Our family has just enjoyed a delicious and nourishing dessert. We have just discovered your website and look forward to exploring tasty offerings. Thank you for your vision with this work and for shining your light into the world to inspire others.


      • Georgia Harding says

        Hi Bianca and thanks so much for your beautiful message. I love sharing the things I’ve learned and the food I love, so the pleasures all mine, G x


    7. Beck Emerson says

      Hi Georgia, just wanted to say these were a huge success! Everyone loved them 🙂 I used your easy cake recipe… And it was all so easy. Thank u so much for yet another winner!!


      • Georgia Harding says

        Glad you all enjoyed them Beck – you’re very welcome, G x


    8. Kailani Clifton, Age 9 says

      A very wonderful recipe. Thank you for sharing Georgia. Kai x


      • Georgia Harding says

        Very welcome Kai G x


    9. Pam Parker says

      Hi Georgia, wondering how long these stay fresh for? We are going away over Easter & we are pre-making most meals & freezing them so when we get in from the Beach & the kids are famished its’ just a case of heating up…I’m a bit stuck on Morning Tea/Afternoon Tea. Could you possibly freeze these?


      • Georgia Harding says

        I’d give them 3 days stored airtight in the fridge, a month if frozen. Have a great trip away. I like to roast sweet and savoury nuts to take camping (stored in big jars, great for kids to help themselves) G x https://wellnourished.com.au/almonds-ultimate-snack-three-recipes/


    10. Maryanne says

      Hi Georgia, I meant to comment earlier as I made the laminations Aus day weekend. Oh my goodness, they are so yummy, very easy to make just the getting them covered in chocolate seemed like a challenge so I resorted to melted dark chocolate on top with coconut, so was more of a slice. Not sure if there is a easier way to do it properly. Thanks so much though they were still a big hit with my family. ?


      • Georgia Harding says

        So glad they were enjoyed Maryanne. I find the home made chocolate is way easier to work with and it should just soak into the cake. The slice sounds perfect though G x


    11. Penny says

      Well Nourished | Healthy Lamington Recipe (4)
      Yep, best lamingtons ever! I made these Aus Day with the easy cake and the coconut oil choc recipe we all loved them.


      • Georgia Harding says

        Ah fabulous Penny, cheers for the 5?s too G x??


    12. Gina says

      Well Nourished | Healthy Lamington Recipe (5)
      Superb! Made this with the vanilla bean cup cake recipe, made in a square tin and cut in to squares with another piece on top as you suggested. Coated in and sandwiched between with the chocolate ganache. So delicious, I have been wanting to make this for a while now, eventually got around to making it and certainly no complaints from anyone, will be making it again and again. Enjoyed by all. Thank you Georgia ??xx


      • Georgia Harding says

        Ah brilliant Gina. So glad you loved it and appreciate the 5 ? rating too G x


    13. Lee-Ann Crooks says

      Well Nourished | Healthy Lamington Recipe (6)
      Absolutely amazing, my daughters and I just made them for Australia Day dessert. Efficient recipe and the taste is spot on! Thank you Georgia. Ps good tip to make next to the sink 😉


      • Well Nourished Team says

        Wonderful! So glad you loved them 🙂


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    Well Nourished | Healthy Lamington Recipe (2024)
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