Is Ginger Ale Good for You? Benefits, Types, and Possible Side Effects (2024)

Ginger ale is a popular type of soda made with ginger. Many people drink ginger ale to relieve nausea, but you can also enjoy it as an everyday beverage.

Since ginger ale has been around for a long time, you may be wondering if it’s good for you or has any benefits.

This article explains the benefits and downsides of drinking ginger ale and reviews the different styles that are available.

Is Ginger Ale Good for You? Benefits, Types, and Possible Side Effects (1)Share on Pinterest

Ginger ale is a carbonated beverage flavored with the spice ginger. People typically consume it on its own but also sometimes use it in mixed drink recipes.

Manufacturers classify most commercial ginger ale as soda. They make ginger ale by mixing carbonated water with sugar or high fructose corn syrup and either natural or artificial ginger flavoring.

Ginger ale often contains preservatives, like citric acid and sodium benzoate, as well as caramel color.

Some brands add other ingredients as part of their “natural flavoring.” These combinations of ingredients are proprietary blends, meaning that the companies keep them private.

However, a more traditional style of ginger ale is available in certain stores and online. This style is made with either yeast or ginger bug as a microbial starter culture.

Ginger bug is similar to the SCOBY, or starter culture, used to make sourdough bread or kombucha. It’s derived from either the ginger beer plant or fresh ginger root. As it ferments, beneficial bacteria and yeasts grow and produce natural carbonation.

This traditionally prepared ginger ale also tends to contain more natural ingredients, such as cane sugar, fresh ginger root, and water, and not to include artificial colors.


Ginger ale is a carbonated beverage made with ginger root and a sweetener. While most commercial ginger ales use high fructose corn syrup and artificial coloring, traditional ginger ale is fermented and tends to contain more natural ingredients.

Ginger ale comes in several varieties.

Some of the most popular types of ginger ale are:

  • Regular. This category includes sodas and the traditional ginger ales described above. They contain ginger, sugar or high fructose corn syrup, and carbonation. They may also include other ingredients, depending on the brand.
  • Dry. “Dry” seems to be a marketing term brands use to describe ginger ales that have a spicier, “drier” ginger flavor as a result of a specific way manufacturers source and process the ginger root.
  • Diet. This type of ginger ale contains artificial or calorie-free sweeteners in place of sugar.

The best type of ginger ale for you depends primarily on your personal taste and ingredient preferences.


In addition to regular ginger ale, you’ll also find diet ginger ale, which contains calorie-free sweeteners, and dry ginger ale. “Dry” is a marketing term to describe a spicier ginger flavor.

While ginger ale itself isn’t a health food, it may offer a few benefits if it contains real ginger root.

Ginger root is the underground stem of the ginger plant. It has a long history of medicinal and health uses, especially related to the digestive system (1, 2).

Powdered ginger root is sold as a dried spice for cooking. However, it’s also the main flavoring agent in ginger ale.

Studies have shown that ginger may offer the following health benefits — but these effects apply to ginger itself, not to ginger ale specifically.

May help reduce nausea

Consuming ginger may help relieve upset stomach and nausea related to stomach flu, severe migraines, chemotherapy, or morning sickness in pregnancy.

This may be partly due to natural compounds found in ginger, including gingerols and shogaols (1, 3, 4, 5).

However, most studies examining the effects of ginger on nausea have used high doses of ginger extract, not ginger ale.

May offer antioxidant effects

Ginger oil is a natural source of antioxidants, compounds that protect cells from damage that can lead to disease. However, its antioxidant content decreases with processing (6, 7, 8).

May help treat migraines

One study found that a 250-mg dose of a ginger powder supplement was as effective as a prescription drug for reducing migraine symptoms. Another study found that ginger placed under the tongue was also effective (9, 10).

May help reduce inflammation

Ginger contains compounds that may have anti-inflammatory effects on the brain and joints (11, 12).

May support heart health

Ginger may help lower high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke (13, 14).

Naturally caffeine-free

Ginger ale is naturally caffeine-free, which may make it a good alternative to cola or other caffeinated beverages (15).

Ginger vs. ginger ale

Most of the health benefits listed above are related to ginger, not to ginger ale specifically.

Despite the health benefits of ginger, ginger ale still falls into the category of soft drinks or sodas, so it’s not a health food.

If you choose to consume ginger ale, it’s best to do so in moderation as part of an overall healthy diet. Many commercial ginger ale drinks use artificial ginger flavoring. Some also contain very little ginger and a lot of added sugar.


Ginger may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may also help with headaches and nausea and provide benefits for heart health. However, many commercial ginger ales contain little ginger and a lot of sugar.

In general, ginger ale is safe for most people to consume in moderation. However, you may want to keep the following potential side effects in mind.


Consuming ginger ale may cause bloating, burping, and increased gassiness. These effects are due to the carbonation and are common with any carbonated beverage.

Diet ginger ale contains artificial sweeteners, which may be in the form of sugar alcohols. These calorie-free sweeteners can cause bloating or diarrhea, especially if you consume them in large amounts (16).

Health effects of added sugar

For most people, added sugar is the most unhealthy thing about drinking ginger ale.

Many studies have suggested that consuming large amounts of added sugar may lead to weight gain and chronic disease.

Studies have found that people who regularly consumed sugar-sweetened drinks, including soda, had higher body weights and more visceral fat than those who didn’t (17, 18).

Research has also suggested that eating a lot of sugar is related to the development of dental cavities, cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic health conditions (19).

It’s important to note that the sugars naturally present in foods such as fruits and dairy products don’t have these harmful effects (19).

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest keeping your added sugar consumption under 200 calories per day for a 2,000-calorie diet (20).

A single 12-ounce (360-mL) can of ginger ale may contain 36 grams of added sugar, which is 72% of the Daily Value (DV) based on a 2,000 calorie diet (21).

Ingredient lists may include many names for added sugar, such as organic cane sugar, agave nectar, and honey.

To keep your sugar intake within the recommended limit, you may want to check ingredient lists and drink sugar-sweetened ginger ale only in moderation.

Artificial and nonnutritive sweeteners

Two recent reviews suggest that nonnutritive sweeteners may lead to metabolic issues. One review suggests they alter the balance of beneficial gut bacteria in healthy people, causing metabolic changes that can lead to type 2 diabetes and obesity (22, 23).

One observational study found that people who consumed diet soft drinks were more likely to have metabolic syndrome than people who drank sugar-sweetened soft drinks or no soft drinks (24).

Those who consumed diet drinks also tended to have larger waist circumferences and higher fasting blood sugar levels (24).

However, researchers have pointed out that the effects of nonnutritive sweeteners on gut bacteria and metabolism are still controversial and scientists need to research them further (22).

The nonnutritive sweeteners acesulfame-potassium (Ace-K), aspartame, neotame, saccharin, sucralose, and stevia may be potential culprits. The FDA has approved all of these for use in food in the United States, so you may find them in diet ginger ale (22, 25).

Another recent research review looked at 56 studies on the effects of nonnutritive sweeteners. Overall, the researchers found no difference in the health outcomes of people who consumed nonnutritive sweeteners as compared with people who didn’t (26).

However, the researchers also said that many of the studies they reviewed were lower quality. They suggested scientists need to do more research on the health outcomes of nonnutritive sweeteners (26).

As you can see, the research on the health effects of nonnutritive sweeteners is mixed.

Aspartame is one nonnutritive sweetener in diet ginger ale that may have some side effects, but research results are mixed and scientists need to do more research to investigate its potential effects.

A 2017 review on the safety of aspartame suggested it may affect several cellular processes to cause inflammation. However, most of the research included in the review was in animals (27).

Another review from 2018 noted that consuming aspartame in large amounts may trigger headaches, insomnia, and other issues with thinking or behavior in people who are sensitive to it (28).

However, the researchers said there was currently not enough evidence on the safety of consuming aspartame and that scientists needed to investigate this further (28).

Potential interactions with blood thinners

One review suggested that consuming a lot of ginger over a prolonged period may lead to an increased risk of bleeding. So, consuming ginger in large amounts could be a problem if you take blood-thinning medications (29).

Otherwise, when consumed in moderation, ginger ale is a low risk beverage for the average person and can fit within an overall healthy diet.


Ginger ale in moderation is safe for most people. That said, artificial sweeteners in diet versions and added sugar in regular versions may have negative health effects. Large amounts of ginger may also interact with blood thinners.

Ginger ale is a popular soda, which means you’re likely to find a wide selection at the grocery store.

If you’re looking for a healthier ginger ale, it’s a good idea to start by looking at the ingredient list and nutrition facts panel on the back of the can or bottle.

Regardless of which ginger ale you choose, it will contain added sweetener or nonnutritive sweeteners. Many ginger ales contain a lot of added sugar and very little ginger.

Some ginger ales are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which your body metabolizes differently than cane sugar. HFCS is strongly associated with fat production in the liver, altered blood fat levels, and harmful belly fat (30, 31, 32, 33).

While no form of added sugar is considered a health food, it’s best to stay away from foods and beverages that contain HFCS. Other forms of sugar can be part of a healthy diet if consumed in moderation.

Additionally, you may want to choose a ginger ale that doesn’t have a lot of extra ingredients such as artificial coloring. You can check this by looking at the ingredient list.


To choose a healthier ginger ale, look for one that doesn’t use high fructose corn syrup as the main sweetener and doesn’t contain artificial coloring. Ginger ale is not a health food, but examining the ingredient list can help you make healthier choices.

Ginger ale is a carbonated beverage made with ginger root and a sweetener such as sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or a low calorie sweetener.

Many commercial ginger ales contain little ginger and a lot of added sugar, but some traditional varieties contain real fermented ginger root.

Ginger may offer benefits for heart health, headaches, and nausea, as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, varieties of ginger ale that contain more ginger may be better for your health.

However, ginger ale may cause increased gassiness due to its carbonation. The added sugar it may contain can lead to an increased risk of chronic diseases if consumed in large amounts.

People who have the condition phenylketonuria should avoid diet versions made with the artificial sweetener phenylalanine.

Furthermore, consuming ginger frequently in high amounts may interfere with blood-thinning medications.

You can find a healthier option by reading the ingredient label, choosing a low sugar or diet variety, and choosing one that fits your personal health goals and preferences.

Is Ginger Ale Good for You? Benefits, Types, and Possible Side Effects (2024)


Is Ginger Ale Good for You? Benefits, Types, and Possible Side Effects? ›

Ginger itself has a ton of health benefits, from aiding digestion to reducing inflammation and alleviating nausea. But most ginger ales don't contain much or any ginger. And their high sugar content keeps them as far away from healthy as possible.

What are the benefits and side effects of ginger ale? ›

Ginger may offer benefits for heart health, headaches, and nausea, as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, varieties of ginger ale that contain more ginger may be better for your health. However, ginger ale may cause increased gassiness due to its carbonation.

Does ginger ale actually help? ›

It's true that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, says registered dietitian Sharon Richter, RD. And studies have found that ginger can help ease pregnancy nausea and postoperative nausea and vomiting. But there's little real ginger in the fizzy carbonated version you buy by the liter.

When should you not drink ginger ale? ›

If a person has bloating, gas or indigestion, the carbonation and sugar may make it worse. Even diet ginger ale can be harmful because our bodies may not digest artificial sugars as well.”

Does ginger ale affect blood pressure? ›

Soothes Indigestion and Reduces Nausea – Ginger and Ginger Ale provide relief from nausea associated with motion sickness, morning sickness or chemotherapy. [Effectiveness of Ginger in the Prevention of Nausea] Lowers Your Blood Pressure – Ginger is a vasodilator and relaxes and expands your blood vessels.

Is ginger ale good for arthritis? ›

In theory, ginger can reduce the activity of several chemical substances that promote joint inflammation. Results from RCTs assessing its role in treating participants with osteoarthritis found that it has a high safety profile and can have moderately beneficial effects in reducing pain and disability.

What illnesses does ginger ale help with? ›

Ginger, a member of the plant family that includes turmeric and cardamom, has been proven to be effective at treating nausea and vomiting — two hallmarks of a classic upset stomach. In fact, ginger is even used to treat morning sickness, muscle pain and menstrual pain.

Is it OK to drink ginger ale everyday? ›

In either case, ginger ale is still soda, and numerous studies have linked drinking soda with an increased risk of obesity. "Ginger ale is not classified as a health food and should be consumed in moderation," advises Jamie Bering, MD, a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic in Arizona.

Who cannot take ginger? ›

Pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with heart conditions, and people with diabetes should not take ginger without talking to their doctors. DO NOT take ginger if you have a bleeding disorder or if you are taking blood-thinning medications, including aspirin.

What is the healthiest ginger ale to drink? ›

Zevia Zero Calorie Ginger Ale

Based on the nutrition label, this ginger ale is the healthiest with 0 of everything. It's made with carbonated water, stevia, natural flavors, citric acid and ginger extract.

Is ginger ale bad for the kidneys? ›

Ginger is good for digestion and helps keep you from getting an upset stomach. Studies⁹ show ginger might even slow the progression of kidney disease. However, while commercially made ginger ale has less sugar than other sodas, it still has a lot of sugar.

Which ginger ale has real ginger? ›

Drink Reed's - Real Ginger Ale & Real Ginger Beer.

Who should not drink ginger ale? ›

Too much ginger may irritate the gut and stomach lining, causing increased acid secretion and inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis). The high sugar content of these drinks may cause weight gain, and insulin resistance, and predispose you to diabetes mellitus.

Does ginger ale help circulation? ›

With its anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant and blood vessel-expanding effects, ginger is a traditional Chinese medicine with potential benefits for promoting blood circulation.

Does ginger interact with medications? ›

Over 60 drug interactions are reported with ginger, and may include anticoagulants like warfarin, aspirin, or other blood thinners and pain medicines like morphine. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting or stopping any medication.

What happens if you drink ginger ale everyday? ›

Ginger ale may not contain natural ginger. It could be an artificial flavoring and sugar. Artificial coloring agents offer no health benefits. Too much ginger may irritate the gut and stomach lining, causing increased acid secretion and inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis).

Is ginger ale bad for your stomach? ›

Ginger ale could actually do more harm than good.

Lukasz Kwapisz, of Gastro Health in Miami, explained that the high sugar content in ginger ale and other sodas — usually upward of 30 grams per serving — can actually make stomach troubles worse.

Why is ginger ale good for your belly? ›

She explains that ginger works to calm the spasms that occur in the smooth muscle, which is the type of muscle found in the stomach and other organs that comprise the digestive system. Walsh says that these spasms are likely what's causing your stomach to be in pain.

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